

平成30年2月23日 English Week

2018年2月28日 (水)


 English Week took place from the 19th of February to the 23rd. The aim of English Week was to use English as much as possible in a fun and enjoyable way. The children and teachers used English for daily greetings and assemblies, and the lunchtime broadcasts were also in English. There were various activities for the children to enjoy throughout the week.



 In Kipper’s Word Hunt the children tried to find the small alphabet cards that were hidden around the school. Each day’s letters could be rearranged to spell the name of an animal. It was a pleasure to see so many of the children doing their best to find the cards.

 Kipper’s Word Hunt は、学年前廊下のどこかにある、アルファベットが書かれたキッパー(ORTのキャラクター)のカードを探すゲームです。見つけた文字を並び替えると動物の名前の単語ができあがります。昼休みには、1階から3階まで、カードを熱心に探す子供たちの姿が見られました。


 In the lunch break the children had the opportunity to challenge the English Week team members to a game of Rock, Scissors, Paper.

 また、昼休みには、Rock,Scissors,Paper Challengeも行われました。英語週間準備委員と英語でじゃんけんをして楽しむ活動です。


 On Friday 23rd the whole school took part in the Yes/No quiz in the school gym. The children did their best to understand the questions in English, and by moving to the left or right side of the school gym they could choose to answer yes or no. After the quiz the teachers surprised the children when they took to the stage to sing a song in English. The children enjoyed the song, and were impressed by the teachers’ efforts to sing in English.

 金曜日には、全校児童が体育館に集まり、Yes/No Quiz を楽しみました。低、中、高学年に分かれ、英語の問題を聞き、そうだと思えばYes、違うと思えばNoに移動するゲームです。そして、クイズの後には、先生たちから英語の歌のプレゼントがありました。先生たちが進んで英語を使う姿を見て、子供たちは刺激を受け、大変喜んでいました。

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