平成31年2月25日 English Week
2019年3月 5日 (火)
English Week took place from the 25h of February to the 1st of March. The aim of English Week was to use English as much as possible in a fun and enjoyable way. Volunteers from the 5th and 6th grades helped out with the preparations and the activities during the week. The children and teachers used English for daily greetings and assemblies, and the lunchtime broadcasts were also in English.
There were various activities for the children to enjoy throughout the week.
In the Picture Hunt Quiz the children used the hints around the school to find pieces of a puzzle. There were two hints each day, and the children tried hard to find the hiding place of the puzzle pieces.
Picture Hunt Quizは、ヒントの指示する場所に行き、毎日1枚ずつパズルのピースを探して1枚の絵を完成させるゲームです。
In the lunch break the children had the opportunity to challenge the English Week team members to a game of Rock, Scissors, Paper.
また、昼休みには、Rock,Scissors,Paper Challengeも行われました。英語週間準備委員と英語でじゃんけんをして楽しむ活動です。
On Friday after morning assembly the 6th Grade performed songs in English, and then the whole school enjoyed some English games.
The 1st and 2nd grades played the Please Game. The rule of the game was to do various actions only when the teacher said ‘please’.
In the Number Game the 3rd and 4th grades listened for the number, and made groups with the other students and the teachers.
The 5th and 6th grades took part in the 50-50 Quiz. The children did their best to understand the questions in English, and by moving to the left or right side of the school gym they could choose their answer. The English Week was a good opportunity for the children and teachers to use English in a fun way.
5、6年生は、50-50 Quiz に挑戦しました。英語の問題を聞き、合っていると思う方に移動するゲームです。